Bone is the most common site of recurrence in patients with advanced breast, lung and prostate cancers. Bone-Targeted Agents have revolutionized the care for patients with cancer by delaying and reducing skeletal complications. In this virtual clinic activity, three renowned thought leaders addresses the optimal use of bone-targeted agents in cancer, through four interactive patient case simulations.
Edward is an 88-year-old male who presents with a productive cough for 4 months and blood-tinged sputum noted recently. He is an ex-smoker (40 pack-years) and worked as a farmer. Lung cancer is suspected following an abnormal chest X-ray; a biopsy is performed to confirm Edward’s diagnosis.
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Robert is a 68-year-old male who presents with a four-month history of urinary frequency and nocturia; he wakes up around five times every night needing to urinate. Findings include a PSA of 32 ng/mL and a positive digital rectal exam; biopsy reveals advanced prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 8. Potential treatment options and their side effects are shared with the patient.
Alice is a 63-year-old postmenopausal female who presents with a mass in her right breast. Biopsy confirms ER-positive, PR-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. DEXA bone scan shows low bone mineral density (BMD) with a T-score of −2 at the femoral neck; there is no evidence of metastatic disease. She has a family history of osteoporotic fracture.
Cathy is a 66-year-old female who presents with a chief complaint of cough and dyspnea lasting 2 months. She has never smoked, but has a history of hypertension. Biopsy confirms a diagnosis of NSCLC in the right lower lobe, adenocarcinoma subtype.
Director of the Department of Oncology at National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Professor and Chief of Urology and Director of G-U Oncology at the University of Montreal Hospital Centers, Canada.
Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
This activity is intended for Oncologists, Urologists and pulmonologists and allied Healthcare professionals who manage patients with cancer.
The information is not intended as medical advice. Responsibility for patient care resides with the healthcare professional on the basis of his or her professional license, experience, and knowledge of the individual patient. For full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events, please refer to the approved product labelling. Please note that products may have different product labelling in other countries.
All characters and events depicted in this patient case simulation are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This activity is intended only for healthcare professionals in (countries).
There are no fees for participating in or receiving credit for this online activity.